The beginning of the season of Lent is marked by Ash Wednesday. We have so much that we strive for in this life, and much that is not necessary for us. Lent is a season to lead us towards the cross of Christ and the acknowledgment of our mortality. We will be having a short service on Wednesday, March 5th to create space for reflection and intention as we remember Christ's journey to Golgotha and express our desire to follow him there. People from all ages and stages of life are welcome.
Our monthly Church Potluck is happening on February 23rd, right after the service! Everyone is welcome to join us. If you're able, please bring a dish to share.
First Baptist Church is offering an Evening of Prayer on the third Thursday of each month, the next one being Thursday, February 20th. This is a time for silent prayer, to be prayed for, or quiet contemplation. Please feel welcome to drop in anytime between 7:00 and 8:00 PM.
Pastor Kevin is resuming Field Training on Wednesday nights at the church. Everyone is welcome to join. Please arrive by 7:15 PM.
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