If you purchase through FBC, you receive a discounted price! (prices above) Sign-up sheet for tickets is at the church, we accept cash or cheque (cheque can be made payable to "Cranbrook Bucks Hockey Club"). Or contact Pastor Kevin. First Baptist Church is offering an Evening of Prayer on the third Thursday of each month, the next one being Thursday, January 16th. This is a time for silent prayer, to be prayed for, or quiet contemplation. Please feel welcome to drop in anytime between 7:00 and 8:00 PM.
Sydney will be working on the new Church Photo Directory for 2025! The staff and elders of FBC are very excited to see all the new faces attending Sunday morning service, and we would like to allow you to join our church photo directory! To join the photo directory, or update your information, please fill out an online form by following this link Thank you! |
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